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Permanent Make-Up

Enhance skin colours

enhancing colors to the skin of the face, lips, and eyelids.


Micro-blading is a method of applying of semi-permanent make-up.

Natural look

The results of this method should look natural and just like hair strokes.


Micro-blading is a method of applying of semi-permanent make-up. Micro-blading is done by manually inserting pigment into the upper layers of skin to give the impression of fullness and shape to the eyebrows. It is done via a manual blade so strokes are sharp and crisp. The results of this method should look natural and just like hair strokes.

Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique which employs tattoos (permanent pigmentation of the dermis) as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as eyelining and other permanent enhancing colors to the skin of the face, lips, and eyelids.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

It is 100% safe

Not at all, we numb you totally we are medically approved 
  • Lips between 5 to 8 years
  • Microblading every 18 months. Its very superficial 
  • Eyeliner between 3 to 5 years
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